Well...just to prove that it is rarely true that the way Alabama goes, the U.S. goes: Romney is now up against Obama for President. Santorum is happily out. He is probably as happy as anyone it is over for him. The first debate is October 3rd. I think Obama will take it. I think Romney is a very out of touch man and he is about to prove it. I think he is out of touch with the needs of this country, the requirements of the Presidency, the everyday citizen in the United States, and his own wife. Ann certainly does not seem up to being First Lady. She is frazzled by the campaign and said in an interview when asked what she would say to the Republicans who criticize her husband..."Stop it. This is hard." Hey lady, it is supposed to be.
I will be the first to admit that Michelle Obama did not appeal to me at first. She seemed distant and cold; indifferent even. I think during the campaign she was a bit intimidated by it all. She has proven she is more than up to the job of First Lady. She has ingratiated our country to everyone she has seen (well, except for touching the Queen of England but even that was smoothed out and forgiven). She is a wonderful representative of this country. I don't see that ever being the case for Ann Romney. Even her husband said they did not want to use her too soon in the campaign because they were worried people would tire of her. Really? Is that what he thinks of his wife? Does he not think we would tire of her in four years?
Ann Romney reminds me of Marie Antoinette. Is she responsible for her husband's finances, his deeds, or his behavior? No, but she certainly doesn't try to help. Ann has said things like (paraphrasing here), We aren't going to worry about those people, You people need to stop it, and We've given all you people need to know (referring to her and Mitt's tax returns). She has consistently placed herself "apart" from the United States citizens she wants to represent. She has, in truth, felt herself above all of us - even before the election gets going. How might she act and feel if Mittens is elected. I say again it won't be pretty. Her behavior will affect her husband, and worse, our reputation in the world. When Marie Antoinette was asked how she could continue to spend frivolously when French citizens were starving (literally) in the streets, she replied quite seriously, "Let them eat cake." We now call this a sarcastic response; one I am sure she regretted to the bitter end. They dragged her from her pretty palace in her stately bedroom. They put her in prison, found her guilty and sentenced her to death alongside her husband. They used their shiny guillotine to put an end to the hedonistic reign of two monarchs. I can't help but think if they had been kinder, more concerned and caring leaders, the history of France, and perhaps the world, would be different.
In our country, we just don't re-elect you once you have screwed us over. Most of us still remember it was a Republican who did that last. I don't think Ann Romney or her husband will ever be kinder, caring, or concerned with anything which does not make them richer or more powerful. I think Mitt needs to see we are already tired of his wife. He should keep her at home, where it is more than obvious, she really would rather stay.
We need a leader who has proven he cares about the people in this country, not just the money in his wallet. Next month, I will be voting for Barack Obama. Is he perfect? No. Has any President of the United States ever been perfect? No. I will also be voting for any other Democrat on the ballot. Why? Because our President needs a Congress that will work with him for us, not against him for themselves. It is not about Obama versus Romney. It is about the Democratic philosophy; their way of working. The Republicans have shown time and again they are the party of destruction and ruin in this country. We still have not recovered from what George W. Bush did in his administration. Republicans are the party of selfishness; the party of "me." The Democrats do try and put the puzzle back together. They are the party of "us." You are elected to serve "we the people", not to put yourself above those who put you in office. All men and women who aspire to political office (on a local or national level) would do well to remember this because you serve only with the consent of the people. In this country we have no guillotines, but we do have a revolution. We do have the vote in November. We will say we are not going back to a selfish, short sighted Republican spend-to-death system. We are going to say loud and clear to any Republicans who remain in Washington and in our State governments: We want change. We want to rebuild our country and your free ride is over.
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